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Monday, January 14, 2008

The Meat and Spirit Plan Winner!

The winner of The Meat and Spirit Plan is Sheri of ...And Finley Makes 3. Congratulations to you!

Also, I must mention the winner of Delta Pearls because even though she already knows she won, I forgot to list it here. That winner is Paige of Superpaige's Pad. So Paige, congratulations to you as well!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! The book came in the mail yesterday, and as soon as I finish the one I'm reading now, I'll be starting that one. Thanks again for the contest!

P. J. Grath said...

I keep forgetting to tell you how much I love the goldfish at the top of your page. I imagine that you are like these fish, jumping for joy over many aspects of life.

Michelle Constantinescu said...

Haha! You make me laugh, P.J! Yeah, that's me up there - it's what I do when I find another book to read! I just love those goldfish too. Just wait until you see the upcoming Goldfish Award...

And Paige, let us know what you think of the book when you read it. Hope you like it!